“I never thought it was possible to Love so completely.
But then you never knew Nell. We rescued each other when our lives were a little grim and suddenly with her every day we shared was magical. One day she became very ill and had to be rushed to the emergency vet. No one knew what the next day would bring.
Shelley Greenbaum asked if she could have permission to visit her small cage at AVS. Nell had wires and lay very still. Shelley applied her magic and by afternoon Nell was sitting and began to eat. What more can I say. I had my little miracle back.”
~ Diana Basehart

“I’ve always had dogs, they are the joy of my life.
I guess I’ve been fortunate all these years to have had dogs that were
very healthy. Now, with my 10 year old Golden Doodle, Sophee, we’ve been challenged by her IBS. Recently she had a health crisis that escalated into really not knowing if she’d make it. I called Shelley. That was the best decision I could have made.
She lovingly swooped in, as only Shelley can do. She gave Sophee her undivided love and healing attention. She didn’t stop…Sophee’s picture under her pillow, working day and night with Animal Reiki and intuitive healing techniques. She’d even drop by just to give her love.
Months have gone by now, she’s still working on Sophee. Even though… it seems like a miracle to me, my sweet, smart and lovingly tender girl is perfectly healthy again. The massive inflammation is gone, her lethargic body is bouncing and running like a puppy. The sadness she carried has turned into pure happiness! She isn’t back to normal, she’s actually better than ever! I now realize she’d had problems for a long time and I just didn’t put it together.
Shelley changed that, Sophee said YES, and I researched everything I could find diet wise. Between Shelley’s healing, Sophee’s willingness, and my discipline to find the right diet, I think Sophee will be with me for years to come. I’m so grateful to Shelley, her love and healing powers made all the difference!”
~ Susan Day

“Shelley has been offering healing Reiki and energy healing
…to my eleven to twelve year old Scottish Fold cat, Kymiko once a week for almost a full year. Kymiko has advanced DJD: Degenerative Joint Disease, Spondilosis and arthritis. Each of these health concerns is crippling and progressive. While Kymiko receives many supplemental aids, Shelley has brought a most noticeable layer of comfort, mobility, ease and slowing of the progression to Kymiko’s orthopedic suffering. For my husband to notice that Kymiko is moving around with increased ease and speed (she actually almost ran) is a huge fact in itself that Shelley’s Reiki work with Kymiko has offered us all a profound benefit. Additionallly, Kymiko is more present, playful, bright and inter-actively engaging in our household life in contrast to hiding or quietly hunkering down as she tended to do before Shelley offered us her healing assistance. We have our beloved Kymiko comfortably and actively back in our family life thanks to Shelley and the abundant daily, long-distance Reiki healing she gives to Kymiko and our weekly hands on treatments. We cannot thank Shelley enough for all the positive healing she has brought and given to us all.”
~ Mary, Michael and Kymiko Zolkoski

“Shelley worked remotely on my 10 year old dog Frankie
…throughout a difficult time. Frankie had stopped eating and was experiencing some unidentifiable physical pain. Her vet ran diagnostics and found no definitive reason for her downturn. It was during the Coronavirus pandemic, and I wondered if Frankie was intuiting my fear. I reached out to Shelley for support.
I also switched Frankie to an organic raw diet, while Shelley practiced Reiki. Within days, Frankie gained back strength. Shelley also encouraged me to join her telepathically in the Quantum field and hold Frankie with her. Everything began and continues to change.
I am very grateful for Shelley’s work. She has a rare and unique relationship with the animal kingdom.”
~ Laura Givertz

“I am thrilled to write this testimonial on behalf of Shelley Greenbaum…
…Shelley first contacted me to learn the art of Reiki healing, as well as the study of other metaphysical practices in relation to self-healing and the healing of others. She quickly expressed an interest in continuing her Reiki studies and showed an adeptness and skill level early on, particularly with Reiki and how she applied it to her work with animals. In 2016, I encouraged Shelley to join my Light of Avalon Team, a Metaphysical Healing Program for Rescue, Shelter & Zoo Animals, which I had founded a couple of years earlier. The purpose of Light of Avalon is to assist, heal and support rescue, shelter and Zoo animals, as they continue moving forward on their own personal journeys. From the start, Shelley proved to be a quick study, and expressed a genuine enthusiasm, love and care for our work at the shelters. Since then, she has continued to work alongside me these past four years in learning how to apply, not only Reiki, but also various other metaphysical healing practices to the art of animal healing, and it has been an honor to have her on the LOA Team. Time and time again, Shelley demonstrated a natural gift in her communication and work with animals, and so after Shelley took my Advanced Reiki Master classes, I encouraged her to start her own private Reiki healing practice. I knew she would be very successful in doing so, and I couldn’t be happier for her! I would highly recommend Shelley for any animal healing work, as I have always told her this is certainly her true calling. Anyone would be blessed to work with Shelley, and to see her true love and compassion, not only for the animals she works with, but for their families as well. Shelley, I am so very proud of you, and thank you for stepping into your own power, and sharing your gifts with the world!
~ Carolyn Paige, M. Sc., CHt, RMT
Certified Hypnotherapist, Metaphysician, Reiki Master/Teacher
Founder-Director of Sacred Transformations & The Light of Avalon Program

“Shelley Greenbaum has been practicing Reiki and Animal Communication
…on my 16 yr. old Norwegian Forest Cat Sir Walter for the past year. Sir Walter was discovered to have two tumors in his heart which can cause him to spontaneously throw thromboembolisms. The turbulence caused in his blood flow was worsening and Shelley received from Sir Walter the understanding that he needed more active in-person treatment which from the moment Shelley began hands on Reiki with Sir Walter, he began to improve. The effect upon Sir Walter since Shelley has been working with him has been profound and notably powerful. Sir Walter’s quality of life, not to mention his overall strength and well being have markedly improved. My life as his owner has improved alongside Sir Walter’s as Shelley has evolved her Animal Communication skills to such a high degree that any recommendations she has made to me for Sir Walter’s care-communicated from him to her-have been absolutely right on correct and deeply helpful.
Sir Walter had a recheck ultrasound and since working with Shelley, what had been regularly progressing growth of Sir Walter’s cardiac tumors, has stopped and instead are not changing nor worsening the blood flow or blood clot formation. I can ONLY attribute this wonderful maintenance to Shelley Greenbaum and the incredible healing connection she affords us. Shelley has given Sir Walter a new lease on life and without question extended his life. We are indescribably grateful for her intensely developed skill, caring and immense connection given to our beloved cat.
~ Mary Zolkoski

“I immediately knew that my kitty was in good hands
I am so grateful to have found Shelley and her services. My cat started having issues urinating in September. 2-3 minutes in the litter box and nothing. He was straining to pee and clearly in pain. After multiple vet visits, between our primary Dr and the ER vet, no solution was found. Our cat was on 3 different medications for a whole month and neither helped resolve the issue. We were told they didn’t know what was causing it. This was extremely frustrating. I found Shelley through a Google search after being recommended I try Reiki healing. Off the bat, I loved her energy. I immediately knew that my kitty was in good hands. Shelley is a very warm and friendly person, and it is so clear she cares for animals on a deep level. This, to me, was the most important thing. Shelley began doing remote Reiki healing for my Mango on a daily basis. She checked in with me often to let me know how things were going and what messages she was picking up on. She went above and beyond to help by reaching out to her own vet and fellow healing practitioners to help with Mango’s urinary problem. Sure enough, as the week went on, I noticed Mango was starting to use the litter box less often, and was peeing bigger amounts. Something was happening! Shelley set up a zoom call with me at the end of the week to discuss everything. Speaking with her gave me peace of mind and so much helpful information to take away. She suggested I buy my cat a water fountain to help increase his water intake (he was drinking very little) and also add Hydra Care to his diet. I now have a very happy, hydrated kitty. Shelley continued to do some healing on Mango following our zoom call, just because she wanted to make sure he was OK. It has been 2 months since I initially reached out to Shelley and I am happy to say my baby, Mango, no longer has any difficulty peeing. I am so thankful. I can promise you your animal will be in good hands with Shelley. She is a caring and compassionate individual and will do everything in her power to help. She is dedicated to her work and it really shows. I could say more but I would be writing a whole essay. Thank you X a million, Shelley. Mango thanks you, too.
~ Teodora Petrova

“It is truly miraculous how she healed my dog, Faye.
I am here to tell anyone who loves their animals, dog, cat, horse, fish, and anything else they may have and loves them like they are part of their immediate beloved family that Shelly is a magical, mystical, powerful, healing, kind, gentle, caring, loving soul to all animals and their loving owners. She cares so much and has such otherworldly powers that she is able to communicate with them on levels that are hard to describe and understand and help them create and quicken their healing process and bring their high spirits back just as quickly.
My wife, step-daughter, and my dog, a 13 year old female named Faye had a surgical procedure to remove a deep and long entwined cancerous tumor from her lower torso and throughout the healing process after the surgery, Shelly in her own special way kept her company in the spiritual world and dreamscape and willed her to heal faster and more complete than I have ever seen in all my life. Our vet who is excellent was concerned she didn’t get it all and wanted us to schedule another surgery which we were very reluctant to do so soon and put her through that trauma again, especially because through Shelly’s intervention and loving healing after a couple of weeks Faye got back to her old lively sprite self like from a few years ago!!
She is showing no signs of ongoing problems, pains, or disease. Shelly also out of the goodness and generosity of her heart brought in a squeeze toy for her where I work and it has become her favorite toy because she feels Shelly’s energy in this toy which never stops giving her more joy and fun as she runs around with it like a puppy. I can’t thank Shelly enough for the unbridled passion and giving spirit she shows every day of her blessed life in her interactions with people and of course all animals, even the fish in the big tank in my office, and how happy she is that I take such good care of them and feed them well.
It is truly miraculous how she healed my dog Faye, and I happened to know she did the same for my manager’s cat who had a very serious condition. Faye actually gets excited when I mention Shelly’s name. Her heart and mind is special as is her gift of healing and spiritual regeneration and I recommend anyone who loves their pets and animals to talk to Shelly about them.
~ Steven Altomare

“Our kitty is now doing better than ever at 18 years old…
An honest and grateful testimonial:
Shelley provided me and my wife with an unrivaled amount of comfort during a difficult time with our 18-year-old cat. In January 2022 she fell ill very quickly with an infection, and we surely thought it was the end. However, Shelley assured us that she was sending healing energy to our cat that would help her, and to our surprise, she started getting better the exact day Shelley got involved. While we did take her to the vet and had her loaded up with vitamins and fluids, I can’t deny that Shelley’s help had a lot to do with her fast healing. Our kitty is now doing better than ever at 18 years old, and we hope and pray she stays that way for a long time. Thank you so much Shelley for all your attention.
~ Frank, Christina, and Lucky Lugo